Fruit wines to be enjoyed not only delicious, but also beautiful to look at. Plants that grow vines have often functioned as a plant pergola. These plants can not only provide shade, but also hanging fruit often make annoyance to those who looked. Even more encouraging, the results of research experts, the grapes potential as anti-cancer drugs and heart. In fact, this study states, grapes well as anti-cancer is a European grape varieties to produce high in our country.If you're very limited land to create a pergola even though, growing grapes in the pot is a way out. Besides the production is quite good, tabulampot wine can also be set up according to your wishes. Thus, in addition as a decoration, these plants become fruit plants are beneficial to health.
If you're very limited land to create a pergola even though, growing grapes in the pot is a way out. Besides the production is quite good, planted in pots of wine can also be formed according to your wishes. Thus, in addition as a decoration,
The following step is to prepare the means necessary cropping. Pot use can be made of cement, clay, pieces of drums, cans or plastic pots. When the square-shaped pot ideal size 60cm x 60cm X75 cm. for circular pot, 60cm diameter and 75 cm high. bottom of the pot should be given a drainage hole.
Media used in the form of a mixture of soil, sand and manure in the ratio 1: 1: 2. Before the media is loaded into the pot, the pot bottom placed first broken bricks or gravel river as high as 30 cm. Furthermore, the media is inserted to a height 5 cm below the mouth of the pot. Simultaneously planting if necessary add as much as 10 grams of NPK fertilizer per pot. Pot joint media should be aerated during the week prior to planting
anggur saya umur 9 bulan mulai berbunga tapi kok jarang dan kecil2 dulu bibitnya dan pupuknya beli di trubus minta saran...............
BalasHapusPak saya mau tanya, 2hr yg lalu sy beli bibit anggur dipenjual tanaman, katanya ini stekan, batang yg menancap ke tanah ±12cm warna cokelat lalu ada 1btg tumbuh dibatang yg menancap ketanah berwarna cokelat kehijauan,kmd btg itu(yg berwarna cokelat kehijauan) tumbuh seperti huruf Y yg 1 tinggi merambat ke pergola setinggi ±110cm dan berdaun banyak yg 1 pendek ±7cm blm berdaun Kira2 kpn sy bisa pindahkan ke pot yg sdh sy siapkan?lalu berapa bln lg sy melakukan pemangkasan?dan yg mana batang primernya?apakah yg menancap ke tanah ataukah yg berbentuk y?maaf kl sy banyak pertanyaan, atas responnya sy ucapkan terimakasih bnyak
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